California- 1st Place
4 years in a row
2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019
Our students have secured admission
at prestigious universities like:

Thinking Solution
Onsite coding classes for kids offered in Pleasanton, CA have restarted with limited capacity.

Real professional-level programming taught to kids in a simple, effective way.
We teach the same programming languages and the same framework as used in the leading tech companies for professional-level software development projects.
Scratch is used to teach computational logic & foundational computer science concepts such as Sequencing,Branching, Looping, Variables, Arrays and more.
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Python programming course that teaches computer science with college level conceptual depth but taught in a way that is easy to understand for kids and teens.
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Circuit-Magic, Raspberry Pi, PyGame
Robotics and game development program for kids and teens that uses Python, Pygame, Electronics & Raspberry Pi to make your own robots and video games.
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Advanced Programming
Computer science program that teaches advanced concepts such as Object Oriented Programming, Multithreading, Sockets, Databases, Algorithms & more.
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Full Stack Web and App Dev
Build websites using HTML, CSS, JS, Flask and MongoDB. Build iOS and Android mobile applications using Flutter and Dart.
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Machine Learning and AI
Build computer vision, data science and machine learning projects using OpenCV, Matplotlib, Pandas, TensorFlow, Keras and more.
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AP Computer Science
Principles PrepAP Computer Science Principles Prep course is designed to prepare students for the AP Computer Science Principles high school class.
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AP Computer Science A
Java PrepAP Computer Science A Prep course is designed to prepare students for the Java AP Computer Science A high school class.
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Student Success story - Kairan quazi
Ages 7-11
YoungWonks Student-
Age 11
Admitted to Computer Science
bachelors degree program Age 14
Youngest ever Space-X engineer
Thank you YoungWonks for being
the single most important
contributor to his growth.
Our family is forever grateful.

In today's world of AI-assisted software development, YoungWonks is even more relevant
Read our founder's article
Track record and outcome

See the HackDay July 2020 reel.
Real projects by real students. No actors.
track record of turning kids into professional programmers.WASC Accreditation

Accredited by the same organization that accredits elementary, middle,
junior-high, high and adult schools
in the western United States.
Check more WASC info by clicking here
Professional Faculty

Professional teachers and coders
with bachelor's degree or higher
YoungWonks does not hire college students to be teachers
Click here for instructor profiles.
24/7 Access to YoungWonks LMS
Instructor led weekly LIVE classes plus 24/7 Access to the World's best content.
- Incredible Lessons
- Classwork Exercises
- Homework Exercises
- Projects
- Reference Sheets
Blended Learning at its Best!
Acclaimed Curriculum
World's most comprehensive Computer Science curriculum for Kids and Teens.
Project Based
Our project and exercise based approach makes learning fun. There are NO class lectures at YoungWonks.
Self Paced
Self paced program makes learning interesting, fun and with deep conceptual understanding.
Year Round Program
Year-Round program provides ongoing increase in knowledge with no knowledge-loss due to breaks.
Assisted Practice
Hands-on inquiry-based learning with teacher assisted practice makes learning deep and thorough.
Python Oriented
Sticking with one language reduces syntax-confusion and helps in deeper understanding of Computer Science concepts
OliverYoungWonks student for 4+ yearsExceptional programmer and maker. Winner of National & International ROBORAVE robotics awards
YoungWonks curriculum grows with you. They're always willing to tailor their teaching to exactly what you want to learn, and they're never afraid to try emerging new technologies.
- OliverWatch Oliver's video
by clicking here -
AnikaYoungWonks student for 4+ yearsOutstanding programmer and maker. Maker Faire exhibitor
I found YoungWonks to be exactly what I was looking for, affordable, professional, technical, interesting and fun.
- Anika's FatherWatch Anika's video
by clicking here -
HollandYoungWonks student for 2+ yearsPassionate programmer and maker. Loves to work on hardware and software projects.
YoungWonks is laying the foundation for real 21st century career opportunities for our kids. Thank you for providing a fun, interactive environment that our kids look forward to every week.
- Holland's parents
OUR Students WON AT

International- 1st Place
See championship run